Sidechaining how do i do it?

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Lazy Eyes

The Beat Konduktah
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
I read somewhere taht this could really bring your drums ( especially the kick ) to life..

I really want to give my kicks some more umphh.. and just by eqing and normal it won't work properly, i thought maybe this was a good option..

Oh i use Cubase SX 3 for mixing..

any tips or suggestions.. or links to tutorials!



Custom User Title
ill o.g.
is this worth to try? Just thought of this
set the bass on the center, use 2 kicks 1 slightly on the left and the other slightly to the right at the same time, or would this also just blend with the bass?
ill o.g.
Hi, there are a few plug ins that let you side chain in cubase sx3...otium fx beatpuncher compadre...kjaerhus golden compressor....db audioware.....oh and the sonalksis range too...

Side-chain compression wont actually make the bass louder though, its mainly used to allow an element (usually the kick drum) to punch through a mix, especially if other elements (like bass) are hitting in the same frequencies as the kick!! imagine it like a volume fader that will react to one signal(kick drum) by pulling/pushing the level of another/many(bass...). this can really help if you lose punch from the kick when you introduce the bass. Alot of people sidechain the whole track to the kick which gives an intense pumping effect.

Anyways to set up a sidechain in cubase sx3....

1. start a group channel track and select the quadro option.
2. insert a compressor that can sidechain in the group channel track.
3. go to devices/vst connections/group fx menu
4. right click group channel under Bus Name and add 1.stereo child bus and 1.stereo L+R child bus.
5. set output of bass track to the stereo group channel.
6. send kick track to stereo L+R group channel. click pre fade on(this will let you turn off the volume of the kick in the mixer but have it still control the compressor). bring level up to 0dbs. turn send on. compressor on group channel and adjust threshold,attack, and release to your liking...oh and dont forget to turn off auto gain. you might have to turn on "Key In" or "sidechain" first aswell.

good luck bro... hope it works for you!
ill o.g.
btw you can achieve good results by just riding the faders or using automation on the volume control of the bass track, bring it down when the kick hits....thats basically what the compressor is doing anyways!!!


ill o.g.
I really want to try that out. What is a pro tools plugin for sidechaining?

Edit: Never mind, I got it. Time to pratice.