Singers that don't know basic music theory?!

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 695

How do you guys deal with these sort of folk? Great voice, bad at communicating what they want.

My music theory is basic, but all I'm looking to hear is the track format in terms of bars.



Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
You gotta make the choice to teach and work it out, or let them go early lol I try to work it out, but I also try to gauge them before hand. No rookies


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
I have to constantly tell people, bars is bars...
There is no different way to count them
I may have made three beats that are not 4/4, and those were special projects for myself.
So its basically just counting to four, I ridicule them. I shame them into understanding if they refuse to follow.
Realistically, I probably have lyrics for the track they're about to waste.
I love it when they try to argue, thats when I switch to the hourly rate...

Step Soprano

ill o.g.
I raise the price, and if they don't pay, they don't get their shit. Period.