S's In Vocals

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Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
My vocals come out perfect but i still have one problem... When i say an "S" or an "S" noise in one of my tracks... They come out really loud and put me off... Is this just me or is there a way I can solve this?

Is it something to do with "De-Essing"... Because I tried the "C4 Male Ess De-Esser" and nothing really happened...

Thanks in advance...



ill o.g.
ok, when i record my rap, what do i need to too do to make vocals sound better,my problem is sometimes its sounds high in some points or too low or like berserk said when say "S" or "p" how can i make it sound more professional .. .... help me please oh, the program iam using is MAGIX DELUX STUDIEO 2004.


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
you need to do some compressing... dynamics processing...


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
the acapella... the beat shud be ok if it's been made by someone else...


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
cooledit has a de esser that works..


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
dmx19802000 said:
ok, when i record my rap, what do i need to too do to make vocals sound better,my problem is sometimes its sounds high in some points or too low or like berserk said when say "S" or "p" how can i make it sound more professional .. .... help me please oh, the program iam using is MAGIX DELUX STUDIEO 2004.

Here, this will help you.

Go to start>configuration>software.

Now select magix deluxe studio 2004 en press uninstall.


ill o.g.
berserk said:
the acapella... the beat shud be ok if it's been made by someone else...

i got it now it works fine, a friend of mine showed me how, the beat is good, i made it myself thanks anyway


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
word uninstall haha


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
the easiest way to get rid of allot of the P's and S's in your recording to back away from the mic a bit... allot of people have a misconception of mic handling and try to get too close, thinking it will pick them up better or something... it will pick up better, if you want to call it that, but it will pick up everything, including wha tyou don't want... the desser works to an extent, but it is best to get rid of it from the beginning as much as possible... so... stand about at least a foot from the mic and also get a pop filter... if you don't have the money for one... a coat hanger with pantyhose over it works pretty good... place that about 3-4 inches from the microphone... now stand back... do your thing... and enjoy


ill o.g.
de-essers can make your shit sounds lispee and pop filters attenuate highs. learn to rap better !!!!!!
serious a bit of mic. control practice that shit


The Ripper
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
like syn said it has a lot to do with mic placement. if you are having problems with de-essing try to eliminate it in the beginning in stead of waiting to do it in the mix.

1. use pop filter
2. back off the mic
3. try your mic at different angles
what i mean by that is tilt your mike about 30 degrees outward and
try not to speak directly into the mic but kinda off to the side or downward.

then if there is still some essing there then use a de-esser or eq to tame that frequency. de-essing usually occur from around 4k to 7k thats the area you want to focus on when de-essing. Waves RDEsser is great for this.


ill o.g.
Definitely a windscreen for tha mic or varying positions of the microphone, a slight twist in angle of the microphone usually helps for people with different vocal and pronunciation issues or an ol trick in the book that doesn't affect quality at all is to place a pencil directly across the diaphragm of the mic and strap with some elastic band and there you go, no more p, b or s's and if your not on a budget, get a frequency jammer at the music store it will detect changes in volume and normalize it on the fly.
Hope I helped


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
frequency jammer? what sorta crazy stuff is that? you mean something like a Feedback Exterminator? ... also... just wanted to add one thing... i like what was said... "don't wait to fix it in the mix"... that is soooooooo true... try your hardest to NEVER let the words "just fix it in the mix" come out of your mouth or even cross your mind...

i'm out!