stupid question

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J Beatz

ill o.g.
ok, this is probably a stupid question but i was wonderin what is used to record a sample from the vinyl record onto the computer? you can obviiously tell i've never sampled before but i wanna give it a try


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
just like hoppa said about buyin his new cd, just do it. once your actually record it in a program (i uise cool edit) you'll notice there are ways of running mild filters. it's abotu the tool you need. sometimes you want the vynal original rec'ing, other times it's obvious. my advice is learn music theory and really make music

J Beatz

ill o.g.
aight man, thanks for the advice. but i also need to kno what is used to record the sample to the computer program (is it hardware or somethin?). and also, instead of cool edit pro, could i use fl studio?


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
you have to identify your programinal instruments.

illmuzik please correct me if im wrong but i divide wav editors from the the production aspect. {you} this guy needs to study more in the science if what you want. be a student and research you art. but never ask us to answer the basic questions. you know as of today Fade doesn't pay me to serve you.

no offense kiko, we'll meet you halfway...... if you make it there


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
You could just get an $80.00 mixer and some RCA to stereo mini cable and plug directly into the PC's mic port.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
J Beatz said:
ok, this is probably a stupid question but i was wonderin what is used to record a sample from the vinyl record onto the computer? you can obviiously tell i've never sampled before but i wanna give it a try

First you need a turntable (duh), hopefully everything will come intact with RCA cables (one white and one black or red). If tour turntable comes with a ground wire, attach it to a screw on either the back of your mixer or the back of your amplifier/speaker. If it doesn't, it should already have a line input cable which should go in the line input of your mixer or amp.

Anyway, assuming you have a soundcard with the right ins and outs, hook up those RCA cable accordingly. With whatever program you record in, adjust the sound options so that you can be able to record audio signals from the input source (the turntables). If all goes well, play the turntable, press record on the program and snatch whatever you need from that bad boy. Hope this helps..I recently got into turntables and coppin vinyl so I had to do my homework, too. Pretty cool stuff...

HolLa if you need any more help...

J Beatz

ill o.g.
thanks everybody for the help and advice. i knew about the turntable but i didn't about the RCA wires so thanks. i'll do my homework too