The best site for producers!!


A hater since the womb!
ill o.g.
I just wanted to say this is the best site for producers.I always look for new tips and info when im online but nowhere compares to Ill Muzik.Everyone is always fighting in the forums and clownin the newbies at other owns us all.

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
good looks man

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Fade's right! Like I have this Battle about to jump-off(so cliche) on the soundclick boards. These kids on there are always arguing and ready to put someone down. All I wanted was to Battle, and see who would be victorious,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol, anyway, these cats start clownin and talkin garbage. Thats why I stopped postin over there when I found this site. This place is home for me and alotta of us. Good folks here, and many talented cats, and some up and commers! Honest critisism and alot of helping hands. I love this sight!

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
I can only think of one site that is better than this one, community wise. Although I don't seem to be fittin in here. I never do so it's all gravy.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
"Although I don't seem to be fittin in here" - YOU choose your own destiny. maybe it's time to transpose your identity and stop being such a "Differentiated Rebel". just a thought...

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
I'm not surprised at that coming from you wings. But let me clarify what differentiated means because you seem to be in left field right now.

It's about a concept of teaching, heavily reaseach by Carol Ann Tomlinson. The concept is called differentiated instruction. If you search the web, you'll find more than enough information on it. Basically it is a teaching method geared to instructing students of diverse learning abilities.

This is good stuff for everybody

"Consequently, it necessarily follows that although essential curricula goals may be similar for all students, methodologies employed in a classroom must be varied to suit to the individual needs of all children: ie. learning must be differentiated to be effective.

"Differentiating instruction means creating multiple paths so that students of different abilities, interest or learning needs experience equally appropriate ways to absorb, use, develop and present concepts as a part of the daily learning process. It allows students to take greater responsibility and ownership for their own learning, and provides opportunities for peer teaching and cooperative learning."
Marian Diamond

You can also find other insight like this as well.

while we as educators have been intrigued and challenged by this diversity, we have not adequately responded to student differences. Instead we tend to ignore student differences and rely on the "teach-to-the-middle" or "one-size-fits-all" approach, where every student is expected to read the same textbook, do the same lesson activity, work at the same pace, do the same homework, and take the same test.

"Typically, the result is frustration on the part of many students--those who find the work to be unchallenging and therefore boring, others who find the work too challenging, and those whose learning styles or intelligence strengths are not addressed. And there is frustration on the part of teachers because they are not reaching every student. In their search to create genuinely challenging and engaging learning for their students, many teachers have discovered that they can better meet the diverse needs of their students by differentiating instruction."

So it's not really what the average eye may think it means because of the spelling of the word. And when when I said it was all gravy, that meant it was alright with me. I'm actually on a mission to find someone, and give them a chance to be apart of something that looks very properous right now. I don't put much out, because it's kinda base on the concept of Faith. If you know what I mean. I've give proof when it's too late. But once again no hard feeling wings, it's all gravy.


ill o.g.
I agree... If folks want to fight they can goto Yahoo or aol or something like that... If your serious, welcome to we still joke around a bit,but when its buisness its buisness...


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
yeah you should bring your own potatoes cos just gravy isnt that good for ya.. mi boi.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g. is for fun, those boards are a joke, lotta good cats but some ( most of em actualy ) serious retards too. I find Illmuzik appealing since the mentality in general here is constructive, not arrogant or premature.


ill o.g.
Agreed everyone has there own individual style ... Tha versitility here
is unsurpassed ... Luv tha events and everything yo!!!!!

Yep hands down this is tha Best site for producers!!!! Nuff Said...

Equality 7-2521

ive said many times how dope this place is so intead of doing it again ill just say word


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i would like to take a moment to point out that the Moderators have had an enourmous effect on the atmosphere here.. (this is mainly towards Fade, Copenhagen, and Vitaminman....who doesnt moderate these days....) because they set the tone for enforcing the way people act here, and yes, the mods have caught heat for being a lil too strict at times but thats what is the biggest reason for the mentality we have here.... so fade, cope- big ups to you two on that.

the other thing is guys like wings, god, and vitaminman have given us so much knowledge.... in big doses.

then props go out to the members, because with the exceptions of a reatively few knuckleheads, ya'll dont put up with @$$holes and you are all pretty proactive and do a good job of doing that constructively. good job guys........