The business of getting high...

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Godson of the Clapper
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 19
Ight let me break down why I smoke..

I smoke for these reasons:

- Before I puffed green, I was against it only because it was illegal, and I was always raised on the misconceptions about it. My first year in college was my first real encounter being around it, decided to be open minded and try it on my own terms by waiting til my best friend, who already was a stoner, and I could toke up for my first time. Immediately liked all the effects, found all misconceptions to be false from a first hand view.

- Relaxing - it completely relaxes my body and mind unlike anything else. To answer your question to Kontents, no, there really isn't anything else that relaxes me personally except music, but its a completely different due to my senses are heightened, n body just feels 100% chilled. Like warm butter on a crisp piece of toast lol.

- Happy - I love my life, and I feel I do live it to the fullest. When I blaze though, I feel like I really am enjoying every second of whatever it is I'm doing 110%. Sometimes when I'm hella blazed, I feel like I'm in a movie theatre, looking out my eyes at the world around me is the movie screen. Now thats entertainment.

- Music - music never sounded so good. I feel like I hear every detail, and I love every second of it. Doens't make me like music any less sober, but it just an indescribable feeling listening to dope music blazed out.

- Something to look forward to/motivator - I always look forward to smoking. Its like a motivational factor to get done the things I need to do first, so that I can enjoy blazing.

- Taste - I love the taste, love the burn in the back of my throat from bongs, etc.

- Comedy - everything is funnier when stoned.

- Connection - when I'm blazing with my brother/homies, I feel as if we relate to eachother even more than we already do, thus feeling even more connected. Always getting into hilarious convos, getting into deep convos, doing things together while baked (videogames,movies,music,going places,etc.) & just overall feeling great together.

Basically all these things are just enhanced, not a necessity on my ability to function

I also agree with 2Good on this tho:

"Instead of judging it by legality and judging it by actual bodily harm or effect on others then that argument just doesnt stand up to reality."

Why judge based on whether a certain group of other people decided to outlaw it? Why not judge it based on it's actual effects?

& also you gotta be open to positives it has too, as well the negatives. thats all i'm saying.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I must agree with some of the memebrs. Theres nothing wrong with getting blazed. Its just like alocohol. As long as your conscious of how, where and when you use it, you will be fine. Just dont over do it and smoke at work or some dub shit like that