The US Senate declares the entire USA a "battleground"


@Sucio ya the internment camps were messed up. And the way things are going its very possible it could happen again.
@LouBez Its kinda frightening how easy it could happen, my uncle used to tell me about all this stuff as a kid, and alot of the shit he said could happen has happened or seems like it is happening.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
America is turning into a mixture of Israel and Hitler's "third empire" if the bill is put to practice. I can see Eichman-like tribunals in 20 years from now and people quoting Hanna Arendt...Sincerly hope that things will stabilize but somehow i dont think or believe all these are coincidences.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Yo this is str8 illegal!!! I havent been going with the whole conspiracy thing, but WTF??????
No waaay.
This didnt even make major news!!! Yo this is very uncool right here, there should have been more debate on this type of thing, Im going to have to research more into this.
Just... Wow...

Did this pass the house? Has it been ratified?? Its against the constitution!

Im thinking this is bs that the press put out to get ratings.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I was thinking the same thing...this should have been ALL over the National News Stations but I heard it here first. If this is legit, it's NOT cool at all, plus I practically live on a military reservation. This whole area is geared around the military alone.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
This isnt legit its bullshit designed to continue to freak out and fuel all my conspiracy friends..
Point 1: Why isnt it on the news, bleev it would be on the news.
Point 2: Someone show me where in the bill it says that.
Point 3: It is typical irresponsible blabberings by someone on "icnn" in otherwords you can just post what you want and it looks like cnn is actually confirming it.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
This isnt legit its bullshit designed to continue to freak out and fuel all my conspiracy friends..
Point 1: Why isnt it on the news, bleev it would be on the news.
Point 2: Someone show me where in the bill it says that.
Point 3: It is typical irresponsible blabberings by someone on "icnn" in otherwords you can just post what you want and it looks like cnn is actually confirming it.

Answer me this Batman,,,,If it isn't on the news, then it cannot be real? You sure about that? This Bill is very real. I posted the link. A .gov link to be exact.

Not does it matter anyways,the wheels are in motion and before you know it, we will be in Iran and more Americans will die and we will sit here and bitch and do absolutely nothing about it.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Answer me this Batman,,,,If it isn't on the news, then it cannot be real? You sure about that? This Bill is very real. I posted the link. A .gov link to be exact.

Not does it matter anyways,the wheels are in motion and before you know it, we will be in Iran and more Americans will die and we will sit here and bitch and do absolutely nothing about it.

Show me where in the bill it says to start Marshall Law and Invade Iran.

Do you think that the news isnt going to tell people that they now have to listen to the US Military as if they were cops?
Thats kind of a PSA that ought to be done.
Also we may be notified that we are going to Iran.
Im not oppossed to destroying their regime, but we need some downtime.

I could link to any .gov bill and say it says there are alien negotiations going on because no one is going to read through it they just take it and run with it.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Show me where in the bill it says to start Marshall Law and Invade Iran.

I didn't say anything about invading Iran. This bill is very real. Going to Iran is my own assumption. It just makes sense since a court recently ruled that Iran is partly to blame for the 9-11 attacks now.

Do you think that the news isnt going to tell people that they now have to listen to the US Military as if they were cops?
Thats kind of a PSA that ought to be done.
Also we may be notified that we are going to Iran.
Im not oppossed to destroying their regime, but we need some downtime.

Where was the PSA for the Patriot Act. We didn't have a say in going to war with Iraq, yet 4000+ American lives later...ya know?

I could link to any .gov bill and say it says there are alien negotiations going on because no one is going to read through it they just take it and run with it.

Right but did you READ it? Give it a look. There are sections that basically destroy the bill of rights. It's actually quite simple, by giving the states up as eminent domain to the military, and utilizing the patriot act to claim an American citizen is a terrorist, it is the perfect combination to round up Americans.


ill o.g.
just read the bill... Don't talk down to others while your only leg to stand on is "it wasnt on the news"... The no knock warrants completly destroyed the fourth amendment but it didnt make news cause it was in the patriot act and that law was supposed to only be used for terrorist but when amish farms got swat teamed for selling raw milk then people started to see the danger...

This is the same deal, all the news says is its for the terrorists and if its for the terrorists then americans should be safe right?


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Uhhh, perhaps yall were looking at prison planet at the time but the patriot act was well reported before and after it was enacted.
Im not going to read the entire thing, if you know that it says that as soon as it passes they are going take apart states and make them military bases and put Americans in them then please cite it.

What sense would that make?
It would finish off the economy.
Who is the enemy in our minds here? "The Government"? "The Military"? "The 1%" ? "The Illuminatti"? "The Devil"? "The Christians"? "The Muslims"?
Im burned out on the conspiracy stuff, Im not saying yall are lying Im saying show me, and then explain to me the purpose in this.
And why would a military that is made up of volunteer civilians even comply with something like that?

Prove it to me and I will be the sheeple that shares your train of thought instead of following the sheeple who dont.
Im open.

Muhahaha FOOLS you fell for it!!

Everytime you signed into Facebbook you had actually voted for this very thing!!!
Its in our policy!!! Is was there for you all to read the whole time!!!
NOW , you will feel the FULL power of this fully OPERATIONAL DEATH STAR!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
My email response from Florida Senator Marco Rubio..

Thank you for writing me in regard to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA). I understand some provisions in this bill are contentious and I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

As you may know, every year the Senate Armed Services Committee presents the NDAA, which authorizes appropriations for the corresponding fiscal year, to the full Senate for consideration. The Senate passed this year's Defense Authorization Act on December 1, 2011, and following a conference committee with the House, the final version of the NDAA was passed by the Senate on December 15, 2011, by a vote 86 to 13.

I am aware this bill contains some controversial provisions related to terrorist detainees, and whether they should be held in military or civilian law enforcement custody. In particular, I am referring to Sections 1031, 1032 and 1033 of the Senate version of the NDAA. This legislation reiterates that in times of war the Armed Forces have the authority to detain terrorists in the United States if they are members of Al Qaeda or a group affiliated with Al Qaeda and/or assisted in the planning and execution of the September 11th terror attacks. During the Senate debate on the NDAA, Senator Mark Udall (CO) introduced an amendment which would have struck this language from the bill.

I voted against the Udall amendment and in favor of compromise language which states that the President already has the authority to detain individuals associated with Al Qaeda or other terror groups regardless of their citizenship. The Udall amendment failed by a vote of 37 to 61, however, the compromise language passed 99 to 1 and is contained in the final NDAA which does not change current law with regard to U.S. citizen's rights. To be clear, this NDAA does not change the Posse Comitatus Act, nor does it take away an individual's habeas corpus rights. Additionally, the language in the NDAA does not take away an individual's rights to equal protection under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, nor does it take away one's due process rights afforded under the 5th or 14th Amendments. If this bill did such a thing, I would strongly oppose it.

I believe an act of terror against the United States is an act of war, and I believe those who commit such acts of terror should be treated as enemy combatants not as common criminals. When enemy combatants who wish to harm United States citizens are captured, the rights of these detainees are restricted to basic human rights. All detainees held by the United States are treated with dignity and respect, despite the heinous crimes they have been accused of committing against our nation. I will continue to support a detention policy that protects the United States, as well as the rights of our law abiding citizens.

It is an honor and a privilege to serve you as your United States Senator. Thank you for sharing your views with me. If I can be of any help to you with regard to this issue or any other concerns of yours, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Sucio.. Im impressed.

Good job! You wrote your senator, got a response and had it explained.
It even cites the areas you were concerned about!!

Notice how Sucio wasnt kidnapped by illuminatti forces for asking a question to "The Government". Notice also how the law doesnt destroy all our rights , and is in fact a continuation of what has BEEN in place.

But wait...This Senator probably had immunization shots as a child.... And FORCES them on people now...
In fact probably had a flu shot this year!!!!
Holy shit , we ALL KNOW that the CDC is IN on the whole thing!
So this is a response that was written in a zombie like manner while the Owl Clan remotely controled them to craft it this way exactly!!!!
My GOD, They are prolly building a FEMA cell just for Sucio and everyone in this thread RIGHT NOW!!!!

(*High Fives Sucio* good job thats what you do when you have a question about some ish like this.)


ill o.g.
Relic ur replies are cracking me up over here...

Does anybody know the definition of "terrorist" in regards to these laws? Is it clearly defined or is it vague?

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
At least your representative gets back to you. I emailed mine about the police brutality during the Occupy movement in NYC. No response.

Yall can make light of things, but like Lou says, it's over time these things are installed into our fabric of life.

PS: Fuck Alex Jones,,,i don't trust that shill.


ill o.g.
Alex jones is a trill down south hustler! Dude will put out something with 25% exact verifiable info and the rest is straight hysteria...he reminds me of all them books back in the day that would break down the CFR and bilderburg and what have you and then in the last chapter go off about the anunakki planet x crap...Alex Jones is a genius for capitalizing on the conspriacy fad.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Relic ur replies are cracking me up over here...

Does anybody know the definition of "terrorist" in regards to these laws? Is it clearly defined or is it vague?

That's another problem that I have....

The UK considered the Occupy movement terrorist, didn't it?

Man...if that happened here..there would be no occupy movement.


ill o.g.
thats the problem guys is the definition of terrorist is so freeeeeakin vague! Anybody doing anything can be accused of terrorism...I really believe all it would take is one moron at an occupy event to throw a molotov and BOOM they're ALL terrorists...and it would be spun in such a sensational way that the vast majority of the US would eat it right up...So when you have draconian laws like this that are for "terrorists" the majority trusts that it will never be used against them, my thinking is if that is the case why not grab your nuts congress and come out and put forth language in these laws that protect US Citizens...

People in the US today have no discernment because nobody wants to read, the whole "if it isnt blasted out on the news mentality it isnt real" mentality has got these corporations and lobbyists doing whatever they want...

and remember kids "Those that would choose security over liberty deserve neither"