time strecth

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Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
How come my time strecth works fine sometimes and other times i get these kindof distorted effects and such? is there a way i can ensure my time strecth will be straight ... ive noticed that in both cubase and peak my shit gets fucked up alot... all im tryin to do is tkae sample and make it faster.. any suggestions?

ps: is there a time strecht in recycle .. cuz thats the program i always end up reverting back to anyways


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Holmzini, like eka said, some samples sound terrible after being time-stretched. ReCycle does have a function called Stretch, but it's not related to time stretching and has nothing to do with beats per minute. The Stretch feature adds a tail to each sample slice. A slider adjusts the percentage of "stretch," with values from 0 to 100 percent. The tail sounds a lot like reverb but doesn't make the whole sample wet. Only the reverb's tail hangs off the beat's end. Stretch usually sounds fine under 30 percent, but over that, the added audio portion starts sounding rather odd. Acid has the best and most advanced time stretching features. i strongly recommend you to check it out!
good luck!

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
thnx guys .. ive decided to add extra percussion fills to try and keep the ears from hearing the weird effects.. its not perfect but it masks the effect enough for the average listener not to notice(i think).. thnxs fo rtha suggestion my friend has acid on his laptop so ill import it onto his computer and see if acid can fair better than cubase and peak have..lol


ill o.g.
If you can get your and on Ableton Live, it a bit better then acid for time stretching. It's an all around better program.
ill o.g.
Get WaveLab 4.0 from Steinberg. I love that program.
Most people finish their beat and then work on the finished product in wavelab (or something like it), i use wavelab on each individual sample sometimes.

Wavelab can get your sound timestretched without the strange effects(i know what you mean about the strange effects, though).