Ultimate Home Studio !setup!


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
hey guys, I thought this would be a great teaching utencil.. this thread. here is a breakdown of my final studio setup:

--(by the way, describe your studio if it's up to par to help new guys understand how to build them)--

Ok, I have a computer with two sound cards. I have two soundcards because I am running Reason with a midi controller through an MPC1000 that is being used as my soul sequencer. The key to my setup is I am using one computer for everything. Usuially with a high end soundcard, like the firewire 410, you couldn't use Reason's many refills on the same comupter as you record (using an mpc as a sequencer) because FireWire 410's asio support only supports one program at a time. Therefore I utilize a second sound card, in my case a creative audigy 2, and spidif-out from the firewire410 into the spdif-in of the secondardy (asio supporting) sound card/device. that's basically it for a nice solid space-saving powerpacking studio.

Please only post your setup if it is thread-worthy. But i'm curious how yall illgents an illgentle(an not so gentle:) illladies setups are made.. ..


ill o.g.
My setup is pure computer beatmakin and sound production.
Im running an Mbox2 sound box with Protools le and truth 2030 monitors and the apex 415 wide condensor mic for recording.
Im also using a yamaha psr 273 keyboard and BCR 2000 rotary midi controller for my beat creation.
plus shit loads of vsts that ive bought to make it so much better with protools

bTW, my favorite effect company is IZOTOPE
illlllll vst/rta effects


i have an akai MPD24, IS THAT good? i got a casio privia keyboard its running onmy computer but it kinda has crappy reaction time im investing on an Ensoniq ASR 10 next month andi cant wait for that, any suggestions for a good software program for importing samples done on the asr-10 to also to record audio coming from a microphone, i dont like FL studio and im using steinbergs sequel its alright, but i have no idea how to insert audio into that program


I'm sportin a Macbook, M-Audio Firewire 410 (soon to be replaced with a Project Mix), Cubase 4, Reason 3, M-Audio Bx8's, Audio Technica 4040, MPC 2000XL, Korg Trinity V3, M-Audio Axiom controller, Yamaha Motif ES Rack, Mackie DFX 12 Mixer & a Technics 1200MK


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
pc, cubase sx + battery software sampler triggered by mpd24. audiophile24/96 soundcard, ins and outs hooked up to behringer eurorack 12channel mixer (also turntable and cassette player connected). alesis mk2 active speakers for monitoring, t-bone sct2000 condenser mic for vocals.

i have the mpc2000xl standing around, but I only use it occasionaly to thicken up my sequencer tracks when needed. will go back to it, once my drumgame is waterproof....as for now mpd+pc provides greater freedom.

i like to resample sounds through the tapedeck. if youre planning to send sounds out of the pc and back in (resampling, recording mastertracks) make sure to use quality cables, humming can be a bitch.

@kayo: dont think the asr will be a solution for your latency/reaction time problems, would surpirse me if so.
check your midi settings, do some google search on setting up cubase and your pc for optimal performance.

a little tip for all the newbies that cant be stressed enough;
equipment is not the key to become a good beatsmith. it improves sound, but as engeneers like to say, cant tune a fish. to begin with, get a good soundcard (midiman has very good products in the low budget range), a dj mixer and a midi controller (mpd16 pad, or small midikeyboard) and your theoraticaly set to produce hits. thats no more than 200 bucks initially, provided you have a pc allready, which i assume, since you couldnt read this post otherwise.
i know cats that started out without anything, and produced realy sick beats by laying and sequencing drums and samples in a multitracker, while others have invested thousands of dollars in equipment, but still cant do shit in my oppinion.
the less equipment=the better for you. its like racing sports, learn driving a kart, decide whether you want to enter the next level in a ferrari or in a mercedes after. my 2 cents


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
This is my new "GRAB & GO" set up now that I'm back DJing!

Home Studio application: MacBook dual monitor bootcamp'd to run windows XP, Reason 4.0 wired to Ableton Live 7, rewired to M-Powered Pro Tools 7.4 for vox. Behringer Monitors, Behringer Amp, Behringer Pre am for MIC, main midi controller MPC 2G with AXIOM 25 going thru, Yamaha Pro Mix 01 mixer and a M-Audio Fast Pro Sound card interface. AAMS for mastering.

For my DJ set I grab the MacBook running Ableton DJ set, Axiom 25, Fast Track Pro and my 500Gig Maxfactor Firewire External hard drive.....all packed in a computer case and small gym bag for the Axiom.


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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
^^ nice, where did you get the stand for the mixer?

I actually cop'd it when I bought the mixer umpteen years ago. It was the one they had the mixer with when it was on display so I got the whole set up. It was one of those FireHouse or something like that music equipment joints. I attended a siminar at there store where they had a Yamaha rep showing it's different applications and afterward I go it. I've had it at least 5 years and nothing has caught up to it yet. The 02 is basically the 01 times 2. The 01 is light years ahead of it's time.....I imagine the 02 or 03( if it's out ) is 10 light years ahead of it's time.


ill o.g.
i've a macbook, running reason 4 as my sequencer. from there i've got an MPK 49 as a midi controller, an M-Audio firewire solo interface which is wired to my mackie 1202 VLZ-PRO mixer, and a samson servo 200 power amp. connected to all that i've got some 3 way studio monitors, some senheisser hd280's and sterling audio st77 mic. oh yeah and a roland rd-150 for 88-key stuff.
ive had maybe 2 sessions on it all, and it's a pretty bangin setup, just cant wait til my lady stops givin me shit over spending money on it so i could finish up some tracks. ahah.