vocoder on reason 3


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
you have to record something in a different program then save it as a 16bit wav. and load it up into something like the nnxt or the nn19 as a sample.

then u have to create a Vocoder device NOT ATTACHED to anything. so dont just create it, make sure u create it un attached (i think u hold shift or ctrl when u create it). then press Tab and wire the out puts of the nnxt to the vocoder and make the outputs of the vocoder go to the malstrom synth (oh yea. create a malstrom) then wire the malstrom to the mixer. now, load up a the kiler bass in the malstrom and play it. and there u go. i might be missin a few steps so imma repost the instructions with a picture when i get home if this isnt clear enough.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Itd right in the Manual there is a .pdf Manual in the reason folder take a Look at it.. Doesnt have to be the Killer Bass can be any Synth Sound to carry the vocals.. Sigh if u cant understand it.. then Pm i will Make a template for u

Agent Smith

IllMuzik Junkie
ill o.g.
basically sampler/dr rex goes into the modulation inputs of the vocoder and the synth (what youll be playing as the sample plays) goes into the carrier inputs and then the outputs of the vocoder go to the mixer. the sample wont be audible until you play the synth...the tricky thing is you need to trigger the sample first, record that on the sequencer, and then play the synth live so the sample can come through.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
i said killer bass cuz it sounds str8 as a vocoder

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Ok i will do it for u its very simple same way its Explained in the Manual

All you have to do is

1. Load the vocal into the Sampler

2. Draw or Hit record and Hold the Key on ur Keyboard.. u cant Hear the Vocals yet

3. Pick a Carrier this is gonna carry the voice (pick from Synth)

Some people love the Killer bass Wet bass me i like Using my own Tweaked to the Setting for the Vocoder

Next Select the MalStrom and you have to play the Keys according to the flow of the Words..etc... you can add all kinds of Phazers, Pitch Bending and Modulation to perfect the sound your gonna have to Tweak it tho to get it to sound exactly how you want.. you can even EQ etc Its simple.. just gonna take you a lil time to get it sounding exactly or even close to Zap & Roger cali love etc and no im going to give you my Exact setting i will give u the setup and you can Experiment from there getting it how u want it


  • Vset.zip
    5.8 KB · Views: 94

Q Star

ill o.g.
sorry man i still cant hear nothing

i use that patch U GAVE ME ok then load a wave file on NNXT ok then pick killer base on MALSTROM ok then play my midi keyboard NO SOUND i can see tha meter go up on tha VOCODER but NO SOUND



Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Your gonna have to record the Vocals onto the Track 1st No u will not be able to hear them just yet.. But hit record and Record the Vocal in the Seq..

then hit play and play the Malstrom along with the Vocals in timing to how the vocals are sang/spoke/ etc and u will hear the vocoder

I've been using the vocoder since it came out it works just follow the manual