Week of April 10, 2006

  • warzone round 1 voting begins in...
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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
I am going to hook this up tomorrow morning.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Graf: u guys be killin me... "yo, i just threw this 2gether... here's my song, im not happy with it... i didnt spend much time on it." then u hear the shit, and its PHAT!!! meanwhile, im bussin my AZZ to keep up! this trk is hot... i like the drum pattern, but especially like the horn break... u took good pieces to use. maybe a bassline and something else to be added, but i know how u get down, so i know it aint complete anyway... good work.

Gyal, bring ur A game, these guys is TOUGH in here!!!

da relic


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Grafik - Man, get out of here! lol! You killed this one. The way you used the horns was a great choice. The changes on this is crazy. Nice job G.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Yo Grafik, nice flip! Even for a rough draft that was tight! I just hate that I listened to your's first cause now I can't get that joint out of my head! LOL! I think that when you finish it though, you should smooth out the transitions a bit more. Nice drum selection also. As always you set the bar high Bro' so we are gonna have to play catch-up. LOL!

Knox Raw

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Graf I hate your ass (lol!!!!!). Shits tight fam. I just posted mine on www.soundclick.com/knoxraw. I played around with this shit for about 30mins. and came up with this. I also added some vocals from "The Light" by Common. Shits mad basic and skeleton like ( no mixdown). Hope you like it.

BTW this is my first time making a beat using Reason3.0. I just got this shit today and its lovely. Looking foward to using FL and Reason as the ultimate duo!

Gene Flo

"Current Events" OUT NOW! www.TheVerbalImage.com
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
yea im workin on this one right now....itll be up in about 30 minutes.... its gonna be HOT!

damn this one turned out ok.... the sax add in and the strings add in are ok..... this track is just ok.... =P

Title: Jazz Fun


YES! Grafik this one was nice....i liked it a lot man.... the chops are dope....i can get off on the mic to this one.... its real hot... not like my junk =)


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Yo spanishharlem! Your flip was ill, I dig the intro, that was nice. The drums sound real good and I like how the energy picks up when the different sax comes in. The strings were cool also. Good job man.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
the specialist said:

this is my entry for the last sample flip i put sanova acapella over it i hope he dont mind. ama jump on this one

this one is a bit rough and not very good but telll me wat u think

i like the flip. sounds nuthin lke starwars which is good.

sounds like u filter my voice so the pella sounds kinda wierd. but i knou just used it as a voice tag so its good. nice flip.


Vinyl Addict
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
knox raw: feelin the flip, not much chopping but i am def. feelin the loop, and the drums are def tight, and the acapella is a nice touch, good flip man, feelin it

spanish: yeah this is def tight. i really like the chops and the effects you applied to them, sounds tight, and the drums are def knockin, good flip, keep up the good work

the specialist: just a little late, haha, but yeah i can tell you put a lot into this beat, very nice flip, shit is really tight, and teh sanova acapella is really nice over the beat, sanova got skills....keep grindin the specialist!
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