What Do You Believe In?


Equality 7-2521

madscientist.....there is a difference between morals and the truth. Morals are what may be concidered the RIGHT thing to do, whereas the truth is based on facts. Peoples morals differ, wheras the truth cannot be contested when the facts are layed before the eyes of people......when this is the case, they must bear witness ot thte truth. I think religion is not JUST about morals.

afrique..........everyone is trying to prove that god exists or doesnt exist but we havnt even DEFINED what god is. as far as i have read in this post, im the only one who has made an effort to define god

truth told........I too would like proof that you have met god (and not just in your imagination)

guevera.....i agree with the churches being bullshit. but i dont buy all this stuff about god blessing people who do particular things.

I SEE IT LIKE THIS.......if god IS love then he wouldnt judge people and punish them if they didnt measure up to his standards. i would never worship somone like this.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
I believe in some supreme force (God, Allah, or any other label that has been branded on this force doesn't cause me any grief you won't find me correcting anyone who has a particular belief or religious conviction) now as far as the folklore and written stories from human beings like you and I put into some life book or text, I can't be 100% on following that information (religiously) it has changed hands and been altered so many times from the original texts no one can really say that it is complete or the actual real word........I believe that everything in the universe is derived from all of the elements that exist and have always existed,we are all borrowed pieces of stars and matter, that have by chance alone become what we are, living amino based beings, but only the senses that were given to us that enable us to exist here on the earth limit our full understanding of what is reality, this is the flaw that we as humans have, all of our analysis of anything that is real, is only limited to what our human senses are able to perceive, there could be other realities or dimensions inaccessible to us.

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
What do I believe in? I believe in god but I dont believe in donminations. I also dont believe that it really says anywhere in the bible that you have to dress up in a suit and tie that you probably cant afford and pay the dude standing in front of you money that you probably dont have to be my child. The bible says come as you are and Im like damn if the best thing I got is a throback celtics jersey and blue jeans then why should I be looked down upon for going to church like this. I believe in god but sometimes I feel as though he cant see us I seen so much in my short little life, and I wonder Im like damn if God loves us then why does he let this happen to us why do my homeboys and family gotta die why is it that my cousin gets locked up for 10-15 on trumped on trumped up charges, is God on lunch break or somethin? I also have this constant thought in the back of my mind thats like what if Im wrong about who god truly is what if the Buddhist are right or what if the Daoist are right, Ima tell you like my grandmother told me "If you livin like there is only one god you better be prayin to the right one" so I think if I was born in China then Id be Buddhist right? So does that Im thinkin if I grew up with those views will my God send me to hell because I didnt know any better? Also you gotta remember inearlier times the bible was completly writtin in Latin and the only people that could read it was the Catholic priests (we already know about the catholic church curruption) which could have lead to alot of misinterpitations. I was once also told that the language the bible is in is not the direct translation that it was written in I mean common you see all those biblical movies and Jesus is like "Thou shalt not do this and and with thy father in eternal harmony shall thou reside" hello? This is Shakespear language and Jesus for the most part in the Bible was talking to common people so why wouldnt he speak to where they could understrand and relate to him? The bible was "beautified" to make sound more mystical and English which is another big cause for misinterpitation (that and the fact that like seven books are missing" ok this is gettin long so Ill end it with this, with all that interpiting King James did youd think he'd take the time to read last passage in the last book of the bible and figure what he was doing would send him to hell.

p.s. sorry about the long message


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Originally posted by Mr. Messenger
madscientist.....there is a difference between morals and the truth. Morals are what may be concidered the RIGHT thing to do, whereas the truth is based on facts. Peoples morals differ, wheras the truth cannot be contested when the facts are layed before the eyes of people......when this is the case, they must bear witness ot thte truth. I think religion is not JUST about morals.

I can't understand how a person who isn't black and uses the word nigga can speak about MORALS and TRUTH!!!!!!!!

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
7 books arent missing; you are reffering to the apocrapha. the catholics will use these books a lot...... but the early church fathers neevr used them, they do not claim to be the word of god or inspired as such......

the bible was originally written 9old testament) in hebrew, which reads right to left, and (new testament) greek, which is the most complex and descriptive written language; they were translated into latin. the catholic church was very corrupt, and there are many churches today that are corrupt! you dont think other religions have corruption?

and no, jesus was not white or black or chinese and he didnt talk to people with thys and thous, he was a jew and spoke.... hmmm come to think of it i am not sure what he spoke.....

and so in the translation, what we have is a good, mostly accurate translation. because there are words that the english language has no direct equivelant to, they substituted the "best" word for the text. while this may confuse people as to the full scale of what is being said, the purpose is to give the general idea. a true STUDENT of the word does his own studies, his own research, and wil learn for himself.

as far as king james, he didnt "add" or "subtract" form the book- he made it possible for us to read it. even from english to spanish, there are things you just cant translate precisely. once again, the greek language is extremely complex when writtn (i do not know about the spoken language) and you will show characteristics such as male/female, tense (past/present/future), imperative/suggestive, things like that and translate into the english language you WOULD have to add to the text; in my opinion he did the right thing by substituting the best possiblee word as opposed to adding more to the text.

i do not know where you go, but where i am from i show up in jeans and a t shirt with a beanie on and its cool.....

as far as "why does God allow" well, i can give you the sameold "free will" argument, but i myself feel that there is more to that, something deeper that we are missing..... i have the same frustrations,you know, why has my mom lost two kids at 3 months of age? why did i get beaten as child, why i aint have my pops around, why did i spend my teenage years bouncing between foster homes and being homeless until i was 20? i dont know; those are questions we will never see answered in this life.

as far as me meeting God, well if you are expecting me to say i shook His hand and seen his face and all that, i hate to disapoint you. would it make you less oof mockers to say i have encountered Him? or experienced Him? is that a little more to your liking? i have been slain in the spirit- and the guy didnt even toch me, so explain that? i got up speaking in tounges, i have been used to PHYSICALLY heal things from cancer to sore backs (sorry, no regenerations just yet) i have been given prophecies and knowledge of things i had no way to know, i pray and see answers to them daily, i have been given words and prophecy from others, 3 strangers across ten years with the EXACT same prophecy about me and for me, so... i know that doesnt satisfy any of you and thats fine with me.... laugh or whatever,think i am dreming or making things up yada yada yada thats on you. I KNOW my God is real, i see Him working every day of my life. i live it and see it, and i have been given the same gifts and empowerment in this life that each and every one of you could have access to if you chose to...... God geneously rewards the diligent seeker and ignores the skeptic...... i know i am rewarded on a daily basis. but thats just me. ill have my scientific stuff up later.

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
^^^^Hell no nobody should be laughing at you or mocking you a clear insight to the future from god is a blessing (wish I had an insight on the future) and its relaxing to hear from other people that struggle and know what true pain is and how hard it is to find peace and comfort in yourself. As for all the mixed up stories Ive been getting from my parents and pastors about the bible:headscrat now you see why i get so frustrated and confused because i read the bible and honestly dont understand alot of it because of the text its in and the people that I ask my questions to get offended because I have questions on the bible, thanx though loc. Also I know that the best words possible were used for translations but sometimes a word that is used in the English translation has a waaay different meaning than a word in hebrew in the bible.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
yup... been through the same frustration and confusion... still do. that wont go away so long as you have questions, and when you stop having questions you stop learning. even though the stories may be mixed, i hope you dont regard either of them as liars. (not saying you are) because there is much to learn and they dont know, and wont know it all..... if you ever have any questions pm me and i wil lsee what i can dig up for you. one-

Equality 7-2521

oh .......truth told.......thats amazing about your experiances with god

one thing id like to ask......you spoke of your troubled childhood etc.
doesnt natural law explain these occurances to you? or does there have to be a god who is watching over everything you do and decides what to serve you with?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
:lol: LOL LOL LOL :lol:


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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
natural law would explain these things WITHOUT the presence of a god.

when you put God into the equation, then it doesnt explain them fully- only partially.

as far as the devil being a toy...... well.....

Equality 7-2521

if natural law explains these things without the presence of god, then why is it necessary to put god into the equation and end up with a partial explanation?

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
I did not put God into the equation; He exists already. when you ignore that presence, then you can explain things- or try to with mans wisdom and understanding- by natural law.

i said natural law provides a partial explanation- i never said God did.....
i dont depend on "natural law"- which the same God created- for answers to my life issues.

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
Originally posted by Guevara
"did god create man or did man create god/the answer is both because how mortals look at god is odd" -RasKass (interview with a vampire)

this quote comes from a long ass song in which ras plays himself, god, and the devil, he ask both some typical questions and gets some non typical answers but it is his interpretation...

also its kinda crazy, i was thinkin about how i had just sent my girl an essay type thing on religion by pac the day before this thread opened....ill post it later.

Here it is yall.

I'm the religion that to me is the realist religion there is. I try to pray to God every night unless I pass out. I learned this in jail, I talked to every God (member of the Five Percent Nation) there was in jail. I think that if you take one of the "O's" out of "Good" it's "God", if you add a "D" to "Evil", it's the "Devil". I think some cool motherfucker sat down a long time ago and said let's figure out a way to control motherfuckers. That's what they came up with-the bible. Cause if God wrote the bible, I'm sure there would have been a revised copy by now. Cause a lot of shit has changed. I've been looking for this revised copy-I still see that same old copy that we had from then. I'm not disrespecting anyone's religion, please forgive me if it comes off that way, I'm just stating my opinion. The bible tells us that all these did this because they suffered so much that's what makes them special people. I got shot five times and I got crucified to the media. And I walked through with the thorns on and I had shit thrown on me and I had the theif at the top; I told that nigga "I'll be back for you. Trust me, is not supposed to be going down, I'll be back. I'm not saying I'm Jesus but I'm saying we go through that type of thing everyday. We don't part the Red Sea but we walk through the hood without getting shot. We don't turn water to wine but we turn dope fiends and dope heads into productive citizens of society. We turn words into money. What greater gift can there be. So I belive God blesses us, I belive God blesses those that hustle. Those that use their minds and those that overall are righteous. I belive that everything you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer for it. But in my heart, I belive what I'm doing in my heart is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven. I think heaven is just when you sleep, you sleep with a good conscience-you don't have nightmares. Hell is when you sleep, the last thing you see is all the fucked up things you did in your life and you just see it over and over again, cause you don't burn. If that's the case, it's hell on earth cause bullets burn. There's people that got burned in fires, does that mean they went to hell already? All that is here. What do you got there that we ain't seen here? What, we're gonna walk around aimlessly like zombies? That's here! You ain't been on the streets lately? Heaven now, look! (reffering to his plush apartment) we're sitting up here in the living room-big screen TV- this is heaven, for the moment. Hell is jail I seen that one. Trust me, this is what's real. And all that other shit is to control you. If the churches took half the money that they was making and gave it back to the community, we'd be alright. If they took half the buildings that they use to "praise God" and gave it to motherfuckers who need God, we'd be alright. Have you seen some of these got damn churches lately? There's one's that take up the whole block in New York. There's homeless people out here. Why ain't God lettin' them stay there? Why these niggas got gold ceilings and shit? Why God need gold ceilings to talk to me? Why does God need colored windows to talk to me? Why God can't come where I'm at where he sent me? If God wanted to talk to me in a pretty spot like that, why the hell he send me here then. That makes ghetto kids not belive in God. Why? So that's wrong religion-I belive in God, I belive God puts us where ever we want to be at. They didn't make sense that God would put us in the ghetto. That means he wants us to work hard to get up out of here. That means he's testing us even more. That makes sense that if you're good in your heart, you're closer to God but if you're evil than your closer to the devil; that makes sense! I see that everyday all that other spooky shit, don't make sense. I don't even belive, I'm not dissin' them but I don't belive in the brothers, I've been in jail with 'em and having conversations with brothers; "I'm God, I'm God." You God, open the gate for me. You know far the sun is and how far the moon is, how the hell do I pop this fuckin' gate? And get me free and up outta here. Then I'll be a Five Percenter for life. - PAC

Some of the realest shit I have ever read on religion this just makes me identify with Pac even more someone who really knows that its just not enough to tell us god is with us when we cant see him and at times it seems he cant see us. Ima smoke one to that.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
it isnt enough to just tell us that God is with us... but when you have insight such as this and you are a natural born leader, doesnt it now behoove you to search that out on your own as opposed to asking why someone else isnt doing more to guide you?

Equality 7-2521

oh i understand you now truthtold. you sentence structure was a bit confusing


that would explain it wouldnt it?

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
if it did, then yes- but god doesnt equal natural law, because for there to be God, he must be outside the bounds of the laws of this dimension. time itself is a physical property just as gravity is, and time itself has a beginning- and where some thing begins to exist, there must be a cause for its existance; a beginnER.

Equality 7-2521

outside the bounds of the laws of this dimension?.....there a a shit load of dimentions, each with their own specific settings of natural law. our dimention is only a spec of dust within the possibly infinite amount of universes. the only reason we are here today is because the specific setting of this dimention happen to support the life form that is us - homosapian.

i agree about time being a physical property, since it is related to the rhythms of natural law. and i agree that there must have been a beginner which created the natural laws (of all the universes, not just ours).

why must the creator of the natural laws be OUTSIDE the bounds of the ESSENCE of natural law? (the essence being ENERGY, since EVERYTHING is energy)

would you agree that GOD = ENERGY

if so, that means that energy has always existed.

if you disagree, that means god must have created energy.

if god created energy.....then my question is WHAT IS GOD MADE OF?

for something to exist, it must be made of something. ENERGY is the ONLY lable which can be suitably applied to ALL things in existance


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
the reason a creator MUST be outside of his creation is that if he were inside- part of- his creation, he would then be bound by the laws of that creation; this would drastically limit his ability to even BE god, if not removing his godhood all together.

if he were bound by the laws of that creation, he could not BE the creator of that, because paradox would negate anything he had done- destroying him and his creation. i do not know if God could "equal" energy- i believe you are trying to simplify it a bit to much with that kind of formula.

as far as other dimensions, how do you think God would operate as God? for God to be God as Omnitiant, Omnipresent, etc., He would have to operate in at LEAST 10 seperate dimensions, which would mean he would HAVE to be outside of the dimensions of this universe for Him to not be bound by its physical laws...