Windows runs better on an Apple computer? wtf?

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The Arkitekt

I been readin everywhere that people say Windows runs better on an Apple.

Is there anything information to support this? Cuz I really don't understand why this is being said. Computer components are computer components (RAM,CPU,etc..). If for some reason someone knows why Windows would run better on an Apple with the same specs as a PC based platform then please fill me in, i'd like to know what I can do to a PC that Apple does to make Windows run better.

Apparently for a while now, it's been known that you can install OS X on a PC computer, anyone know the cons about this other than driver support? Anyone done it before and can provide some feedback? Cuz id like to install OS X on my PC. Iv'e had it with the instability of windows FUCKIN crashing all the time when I maintain my computer so well and keep it from viruses, etc.


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Well as a long time Windows user and also Mac for graphic design, I can say from personal experience, both OS's have their own flaws. Mac's do crash, and in fact, just like windows, the more programs and junk you install on the os, the more chance that either will crash. I have been running Vista for months now without having it crash, and it performs fine. Similarly I've seen Mac's run great as well. Which version of Windows are you using right now? From what I've heard, it's really not worth installing a Mac OS on a Non-Mac computer just because it's more of a headache than useful...


ill o.g.
I think the whole windows runs faster on a mac is bullshit. Windows will only runs as fast as the specs of the computer its running on. It runs faster on my mac pro than 99% of pcs out there for the simple reason the mac has crazy hardware specs. It would run just as fast on a pc with the same components (good luck trying to build an identically specced system for the same price though!)

I would only try installing mac os on a pc if its built using a similar architecture to whats in the various mac models at the minute (cure 2 duo, xeon quadcore etc).

I tried installing OS X on an AMD dell laptop and it was a total waste of time; half the drivers didnt work, loads of system freezes etc.

Give it a go though, results apparently vary a lot on individual machines.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
:err:apple running only the best components? even diehard apple fanatics don't say that.
would that also mean apple makes and manufactures the best components?:confused:

as for building a pc with the same specs and a comparable price, adk, three river sound and sonica and a few others that build daw comps, have done it for less, and that's including the money you're paying for their expertise


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
"apple running only the best components? even diehard apple fanatics don't say that."

Yes they use seagate hard drives, intel mainboard, crucial ram only the best stuff no via based generic boards that you find in lower end computers. That makes then run very well

The Arkitekt

Yes they use seagate hard drives, intel mainboard, crucial ram only the best stuff no via based generic boards that you find in lower end computers. That makes then run very well

sounds logical, all that would make for much less hardware interferences, etc.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
i've never seen xp work so smooth since this mbp lol, its so ff'in true lol! I dont want vista, osx already looks like that. What i do notice is that a lot of the out-of-the-box installs are shite, if you get a new mac, than get the disc in, turn off your mac, turn on and hit hold c...yup, erase/install that shit.

vice versa, hehe


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
No one has said the true reason why windows runs better on a Mac!

Apple has better components, this is true. (Ark, putting OS on a pc is not the same as putting Windows on a Mac) I hope u know that!

The reason that Windows runs better on a Mac is because of how the components function on a Mac. No components rely on the others to perform. In other words, RAM is not shared amongst multiple components like on most pc's. This is a very key component in how and why Mac's and programs on it run faster and are more stable. 4Gigs in a Mac actually gives u very close to 4 Gigs to play with. In a pc that may only be 3 because of how so many components depend on each other. Heavy use of one components drags down another.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
this thing about components/parts listed, they're available for pc or any other build and o/s, and i've read and heard folks complain about the optical drives, but what some say and what others say isn't the point. a giga or asus mobo have outshined intel, but they're all available for anybody, with the specs you want and need without having someone else choose for you (apple, dell, etc) same with drives (storage and optical), cases, power supply, all available.

someone gets a barebone or cheap comp (with a celeron) from futureshop then complains why they can't run certain apps and more than a couple of instances. go figure.

here's the deal, know your computer (mac or pc), it's in your best interest to overstand as much as possible about your overgrown glorified calculator, especially if it's a major part of making your music.

wait, why am i even getting into another vs :embarrassed:


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
1-This is just a conversation! No one person has all the answers!

Let me clarify my statement! MOST MAC's
COME STOCK WITH BETTER COMPONENTS THAN A PC. Let's be honest right now.....Most people don't get computers built from scratch. I've had several computers over my life time and only one has ever been built specifically for music. This is not an educated guess....this is FACT! We can hold a little poll right here on ILL to prove this point.

Now with that said, Mac computers IN MY OPINION, based on having purchased several computers over the years from Mac to PC, come stock with better components. Hardly ever does anyone who has purchased a Mac upgrade it's components. I personally don't know one person who has a MacBook, MacBook Pro or desk top Mac that has upgraded to anything other than a faster, bigger hard drive or more RAM. I'm only speaking for myself here!

If you know anything what so ever about a Mac you know that it's components are not tied to one another. It's one of the main selling points for Mac purchasers. Dual processors even work diff't on a Mac.

I personally don't like OSX, I only use XP on my MacBook and IN MY OPIONION, it works a lot better than on a PC. It moves way fast with less hiccups to me....THAT'S JUST TO ME....lmao

At the end of the day it's an individual choice geared toward what you do. Gather the info but test things out for yourself. I don't work for Apple or Microsoft!

The Arkitekt

If you know anything what so ever about a Mac you know that it's components are not tied to one another. It's one of the main selling points for Mac purchasers. Dual processors even work diff't on a Mac.

Thanks for the info drop.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
You have hickups running leopard ???

That was in reference to running windows on a PC. No hiccups running Leopard at all when I do use it. I just don't care for OSX, mainly because I'm so used to windows.


ill o.g.
don't get any of the power pc macs, it's a false economy, I'd imagine apple will support them less and less with each version of the os as they've moved over to intel architecture now. Intel macs also give u the option of running windows natively if you need to.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
don't get any of the power pc macs, it's a false economy, I'd imagine apple will support them less and less with each version of the os as they've moved over to intel architecture now. Intel macs also give u the option of running windows natively if you need to.

Very true! Good point....


ill o.g.
any of the g5 systems are bullshit. macs dont run windows any better than a pc, in fact they boot it slower due to their eep flashrom instead of a bios. in the case that anyone is purchasing a mac, i would ensure that it is running atleast a core2duo on one of the newer revision motherboards that supports atleast 4 gig of ram..
not to be disrespecting them though, a mac will still run windows fast enough to produce your tracks ;)