*Wings' WAR Newsflash*

  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3

As ya'll know, there's a war going on in Israel. I live & serve near Lebanon & it is exactly where the fire is. I can't be home everyday 'till everything is back to normal once again (I reckon in about 2-3 weeks or so). Right now, I came home for a few hours and after that, i'll have to get back to my command unit.

Yesterday, I almost got killed twice (missiles fell right next to me, 20-25 meters away from my car).

Oh well... I wish ya'll the best of luck. Deepest Blessings & Keep the light burning. ONE LOVE FAM!

This area is fucked up to the fullest. I wish I didn't have to be part of this battle, but what can I do? As a soldier, I have to follow orders. FUCK ALL THAT. It's not my war & I really don't want to be involved...

All The Best,


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Yo I was wondering if you were okay when I saw what was going on over there. All I can say is stay safe and best of luck! Get back soon. Hopefully it will all be settled quickly.


ill o.g.
Damn bro...that sucks,
I especially feel for you because you don't really agree with what you're being made to do/Israel's actions generally..

Stay safe man, best of luck.


ill o.g.
when does your NS finish? swear you been doing this shit for tiiiiimmmmme


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
SHIT this is exactly what I feared was happenin. I didnt know you lived up that way...
Keep your head down my man stay safe!!
If you see the CNN camera try and spraypaint Illmuzik on the side of a tank or somthing!
Now our 2 countries have even more in common, beserk warhawk presidents!
Sorry Fade I couldnt resist.
Be safe Wings dont get snatched or shot or anything!!
Prayers are with ya!


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
Yeah for real man, fuckin governments, sending their soldiers to war and call the shots when they really pussy cuz they never would go with them.

Come back in ONE piece so you can keep give us all that knowledge that you usually do.

Wish you good luck, No matter what Religion you are, we have the same luck and I hope he protects you


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Damn wings, be carefull and be safe! You should move out of that place, it is too fuckin disturbin :S.
This just aint right but nothing we can do about it sadly enough.
One Love and hit me up when you are back son!

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
stay safe homie. and dont count the days til feb. cause it will just take longer. come home in one piece. thats the way we like ya.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Back for the night...


How's it going?

I'm back home 'till tomorrow. The situation is not easy. There's a fuckin' war going on here, and it's so pointless and stupid... I've been through a lot these last few days.. Hopefully, everything will be over soon. Thank you very much for the positive reinforcement.

Life is THE MOST precious gift, 'nuff said!

One Love & Best Wishes,


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
^ ok in a nutshell (and Fade doesnt want politics here but for wings sake ) here it is as best as I get it.
After WWII the UN established Isreal in Palestine thereby making it no longer palestine but Isreal.
Palestine still exisited but with less land. During I think 1968 there was a 6 day war in which all of Isreals neighbors attacked it including Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.
Isreal kicked the SHIT out of everybody and seized land in palestine and syria. you may hear about the Golan heights.
SO tensions have been high ever since and arabs are still pissed about the beatdown and palestine getting taken over like that.
Recently Hezbolla which is classified as a terrorist group and has been f'n with Isreal for a LONG time kidnappd 4 isreali soldiers and are demanding that thir people who Isreal has imprisoned be released.
This on the heels of Hamas (who's classified as a palestinian terror group) kidnapping an Isreali soldier.
OK the thing here is that Hezbolla holds seats in gov in Lebanon and is backed by the Gov of Syria and Iran.
Thus Isreal is holding the gov of Lebanon responsible for all this.
K thats in a tiny little nutshell as accurately as I can remember.
Someone may need to tweek and eq that but thats a quickie history lesson.

Overall since Biblical days this stuff has been goin on.just now the jews have all the big military.
End of the wrld conspirialists(sp?) love this stuff.
This is somthin you can learn more about on the history channel or on the internet.
Very deep and is what sets off alot of conflicts around the world.
Ill leave it there cuz this, like there now, can spiral out of control quickly.