Xlr cable

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Im about to buy some Xlr cables just wonderin which are best for price.and least noise.


ill o.g.
ifyou dont already know then itsall about sheilding!!! id probably check out the monster website to seeif they that any gooddeals

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
Least noise cables would be foil sheilding but they are the weakest. The foil on the inside blocks interference well but the more you move the cable (like bundle it up into a rope, throw it around an shit) the easier the foil can tear, causing leaks in your protection which lets interference in.

If you wont be moving the cables that much, get foil sheilded XLR's. If you will be moving them a bit say for live sound or active recording with unplugging your cables a bunch, get a braided sheilded cable.

Equality 7-2521

Well, an XLR is actually a type of connector not a type of cable. For XLR connectors I would reccomend Neutrik and for a good balanced cable Canare are good.