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  1. Sucio

    WOW....just WOW!!!

    Wow..that's beautiful.... Crazy shit is...they take control over it.... I'd blow the shit up for the government....just so they don't make any money off of it.....
  2. Sucio

    You guys that use or have used multiple DAWs...

    What I do when I use Maschine to import into protools.... I actually record the track in its entirety into PT... Yes it takes as long as it the track is...but it works the best for me. Change all the output channels to a separate channel, starting with 2... Match it in PT under the...
  3. Sucio

    Copyright Criminals - A Movie About Sampling

  4. Sucio

    Cell phone died, pissed off, what do you have?

    AT&T as of last year had 97% of it's smartphone users using less than 2GB of data per month, which is why they enacted that plan with that cap (I worked for AT&T at the time they made the change). I'm sure the percentage is already higher than that at this point. I use between 750MB...
  5. Sucio

    Cell phone died, pissed off, what do you have?

    The look of the phone doesn't mean shit...because all these full touch screen smartphones look EXACTLY like the iPhone. All full touchscreen devices look the same....It's not about the looks that impress me...It's the power in the phones/battery life/ease of use/applications. I'm not...
  6. Sucio

    Cell phone died, pissed off, what do you have?

    What turns me off about apple is they have their own protection plan, which doesn't cover lost/stolen phones......and devices get lost/stolen all the time.... I may just go back to blackberry....we'll. see....
  7. Sucio

    Where Do Ya'll Rank Erick Sermon As A Producer?

    I would say top 15.....easily.
  8. Sucio

    Cell phone died, pissed off, what do you have?

    I can actually go on for days. It all depends on what you want out of your device. You have Maschine? Get iPhone for iMaschine!!! Make beats away from your computer then bring the sketch pad joint into your real maschine.....Lol..
  9. Sucio

    FINALLY somebody lays it out!

    It affects people could still not believe it....but I've seen people having adverse effects of years of weed smoking... I understand where you're coming from...George Burns lived into his late 90s and the dude stayed with a cigar....
  10. Sucio

    FINALLY somebody lays it out!

    It's almost impossible to develop a style that hasn't been used, before... To stake claim to a particular style, even though others have used it prior, then call others out for biting their style is ridiculous. I agree Luda did what he had to do, other than smack them around literally...
  11. Sucio

    Drake - Take care

    Yeah, because we all know when he wasn't on the set of Degrassi High, he was pitchin on the block....lmao.
  12. Sucio

    Headphone recommendations
  13. Sucio

    My Ordeal With Digital Wireless in Cali.

    Having issues with Sprint? NO WAY..... thing you'll learn....there's always someone with issues with some cell phone company... What you don't hear is all the people who enjoy their service and customer service.... I had AT&T for a long time (wifey still does) I loved the...
  14. Sucio

    What do you do?

    Well considering he's already a space cadet.... He's halfway there.
  15. Sucio

    What do you do?

    I knew a guy that used to make dentures for the military.... Dude had like 6 cars....that was his hobby..lmao.... IF that's what you're definitely doing well financially...lmao.
  16. Sucio

    November 23-26, 2011 - Comments/Questions

    Yo I feel sorry for whoever has to battle Sucio.... I heard that dude is a beast.
  17. Sucio

    My Ordeal With Digital Wireless in Cali.

    I'd leave the negative comment there until the issue was resolved........ I'll bash any business not doing what they're supposed to do... If they do that to you, imagine how many others they've done that to.... You're not really bashing the biz, you're bringing to light the bullshit they...
  18. Sucio

    FINALLY somebody lays it out!

    They won't take the bait, because they PUSSY!!!!!!! Camron's version is the closest way of spitting it today....
  19. Sucio

    FINALLY somebody lays it out!

    Yes!!!! Let's get it!!!!! Fuck yes!!!!!!