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  • warzone round 1 voting begins in...
  1. D

    400 Posts

    by 500 i might be lucky to be in the "almost honorable mentions" eh?? *pokes with stick*
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    Man tries to pay bill with a picture of a spider...

    and to conclude the whole thing, let us all show our spirit in the matter. show your friends your appreciation for showing you where their stash is by leaving a spider drawing!
  3. D

    This is just terrible......

    pretty crazy what can happen when we keep tryin to fight whats only natural. they're coming for our women!
  4. D

    November 19-22, 2008 - ROUND 2: Mathias Vee vs. Cell2Dee vs. Bart5

    sweet sounds there mathias. like drama says though, gotta get a few more change ups to it before it'll have that full swing to it
  5. D

    November 19-22, 2008 - ROUND 2: Scandal vs. Icemanbeats vs. Gballin123

    iceman got my vote.. gotta say that while scandal has a great beat there, ice got his shit flipped like a hot track and it holds the potential to be just that with the right voice. (can't hear the mixin on it all that great on this laptop, so no comment on the mix)
  6. D

    What did you have to give up when you moved out?

    ahah, well i guess thats my motive to stay in a IT consulting career. fast corporate t1 connection for the day, and jack shit unless i can hijack a wireless network at night.
  7. D

    What did you have to give up when you moved out?

    yeah i just had my baby in feb, right before gettin my place.. theres a lotta shit you can give up that ain't really necessary.. i started with my internet connection (you can always forum whore during your 9-5), cable tv, hell even buying your damn food in bulk raw products and cookin for...
  8. D

    What instrument do you play

    well before everyone goes off on that track, i'll go ahead and add my .02.. played the piano for bout 12 years, guitar for 5 (bass comes with it), violin for bout 2. played the sax/clarinet in school.. also sorta picked up on the redneck ass ones like the banjo and mandolin while i was younger...
  9. D

    Reason 4 and MPK 49

    i had the same problem... i noticed it was only present while running straight usb from the MPK to my usb port.. went away after i ran it through my motif-rack es's midi interface though. oh and by the way, you still rockin just plain ol 4.0 or have you got the 4.0.1 update goin?
  10. D

    Windows runs better on an Apple computer? wtf?

    "any of the g5 systems are bullshit" = you could get the same 64 bit operating system performance (the area where a g5 shines) out of an AMD proc priced at less than a quarter of the g5 price tag. g5's are power hungry processors that could heat a shack in the dead of alaskan winter.. plus a g5...
  11. D

    Production Needed for next Ash Holmz / Smash Enterprise Project

    i dropped a few beats your way. lemme know if theyre anything along the lines of what you were after peace
  12. D

    Problem with Refills

    try using the refill packer and make a refill for your version of reason out of those files.. i gave up on downloading the torrent and copped a motif rack ES cause that shit had no seeders.. good luck! -dp
  13. D

    Windows runs better on an Apple computer? wtf?

    any of the g5 systems are bullshit. macs dont run windows any better than a pc, in fact they boot it slower due to their eep flashrom instead of a bios. in the case that anyone is purchasing a mac, i would ensure that it is running atleast a core2duo on one of the newer revision motherboards...
  14. D

    Akai MPK49 - Question

    basically all you've gotta do is map the sounds to the keys you want using nn-xt and then over by the pads where it says "pad bank A,B,C,D" you pick a new bank for a higher octave (where your other samples will be mapped) each of the 12 pads represents a key in the octave that you have your...
  15. D

    Akai This Possible????

    works fine on the mpk, where you've got a coupla buttons to set the timings. i'd assume on the mpd you'd have a similar setup. as it shows on my mpk you get 1/2 1/4 1/4t 1/8 1/16 1/16t 1/32 or somethin. and maybe a couple more with T's. the difference being the 1/4 is just 4 notes in a measure...
  16. D

    Which is better?! HELP!

    ahahaha, i never looked at the dates, i just read everything and had to put in my two cents :P
  17. D

    Which is better?! HELP!

    i own and frequently use the firewire solo, it's badass for the price, and if you want more ins and outs just add a mixer to your setup, you'll be set for a while
  18. D

    Any Home STD Kits?

    man shit even if you got somethin, as long as it aint HIV/herpes/warts you should be good, had my fair share of runnin into the clap with the hoes round here and that shits gone within a week after one dose of pills. i can tell you one thing though, that shit burns! and shit, you're a grown ass...
  19. D

    Reason help

    yep, for reason you can download sounds, but good expansive sets are usually harder to come by. if you visit check out the torrents for the korg trinity pro, roland fantom, and yamaha motif refill sets, that'll get you a nice start on good sounds. as for a budget controller i might...
  20. D

    monitor speakers

    if you've got $400 to spend cop an amp and some passive monitors. it'll save you from having the hassle of buying a whole new pair if one little thing fucks up, plus a nice clean amp has more than one practical application. for near field monitoring a 100-200 watt amp should have you covered, i...