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  1. eka

    making a remix

    I make a loop of the original track so I can get the bpm straight with fruityloops. than I put the accapella in fruity loops and start building the beat around the lyrics and flow. when I'm done in fruity loops I export everything as a wav file and open it in acid to make my final mix.
  2. eka


    simple, rightclick the sound in the sequencer, go to edit, choose humanize, click apply and than the sign underneath apply. it is not really offbeat, but gives that human swing to the hihats, rides and that sort of thing. I think this is what you meant. goodluck
  3. eka

    who would be interested in making a production team...

    to bad it is old, I never saw it. it is a good idea though.
  4. eka

    Has Anyone Noticed???

    I never noticed it before, but what I do is double the vocals and pan 1 all the way to the right and the other all the way to the left. it works for me, but I usually don't record vocals in other programs so I can not compare. it is an interesting problem and I will ask around to see why this is.
  5. eka

    what did u start producing with?

    My first beat ever was made on a commodore 64 back in the day's with fast tracker.
  6. eka

    Happy Easter!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
  7. eka

    What's Everyones Age????????

    dank je, hehehe
  8. eka

    What's Everyones Age????????

    it looks like I'm the oldest one. I'm 31
  9. eka

    The Sounds Of Hell

    that is some crazy shit!!! I would like to hear it, caus the sound does not work indeed.
  10. eka

    hip hop in the classroom!!!!

    check this site:
  11. eka

    Software to make mash-ups (aka remixes)

    I read that on soundclick also
  12. eka

    When you don't have inspiration for beats, try this!!!!
  13. eka

    Some Killer Synth's (For free) vsti

    what software are you using?
  14. eka

    Software to make mash-ups (aka remixes)

    I do that with fruityloops and acid pro. first I place the vocals in fruityloops and construct a beat around it. when I'm finnished I render each track to wav and open it in acid and make my mix there. this is what works best for me.
  15. eka

    To All Europe Heads On Illmuzik.......

    I can help also if you like although I live near Formant. maybe we could set something up.
  16. eka

    is this the future? opensynth neKo

    hahahaha, me to!!!! it is indeed a lot of money, but if you have to buy a good computer and a synth you will spend more money I think.
  17. eka

    The Best Hip Hop Concert You've Attend

    The most impressive was Company Flow, they Flowed on for hours (almost 3 hours) it was the bomb!!!!! Also Spearhead is one of the best concerts I've ever seen.
  18. eka

    is this the future? opensynth neKo

    I think this is the ultimate solution for soft and hardware users a synth and computer in one. I would love to try this one:
  19. eka

    Some Killer Synth's (For free) vsti

    I just tried out the dreamkiller and it has a very good preset sub bass called pulsebass02, only the attack has to be tempered with but it is NICE!!! also check out on the soulkiller the preset pulsebass. (I think the Soulkiller is the best bass resource) thanx for the props on my track...
  20. eka

    VST & VSTi Plugins maybe this is cool to!! I'm downloading right now, see what it is. they are nice but they eat away cpu, they had fl crashed. this is a very nice one with some piano's, rhodes, guitars, strings, etc. real cool sounds and they sound pretty...